With Good Will Doing Service As To The Lord,and Not to Man
Ephesians 6:6-7
A Servant's Heart Ministry is here to provide a platform to help others through our multi-faceted and multi-functional Services. We cater to the needs of all, from business needs to personal needs. Our only motive is “To serve others” as we Glorify God.
A Servant's Heart Ministry helps provide Job search, housing leads and many other services. We appreciate the help we receive through donations and from outside sources that help make it possible for us to give to others on a greater level.
We strive to provide a safe and secure environment that keeps private information confidential.
We understand that life happens and at some point or another we could all use a hand up, not just a hand out. Sometimes having someone to walk through life situations with and not be judged is enough.
We don’t claim perfection, only a desire to serve.
We pray we can be that hand up to help all those who cross our path.
We offer mobile-services and in-office appointments
We serve Calaveras County, Amador County, Tuolumne County and all surrounding areas. We provide assistance with the following services :
Outsourcing to local agencies who can help with specific needs
REACH applications to assist with PG&E service
Assistance with Job Leads
Help understanding forms and personal paperwork
Document assistance
Help in finding the right resources for specific needs
We help with housing searches and housing leads
We help with household needs (furniture, clothing etc.)
We also accept recycling (Aluminum Cans) as donations and or to cover fees for certain services.
follow us on Face Book @ A Servant's Heart to see our upcoming events and donation drives
How can we serve you?