With Good Will Doing Service As To The Lord,and Not to Man
Ephesians 6:6-7
Services we offer
A Servant’s Heart Ministry is a Christ centered Ministry that operates a variety of services. Our services include a cleaning service, a resource center, assistance with household items to our community/families in need, PG&E assistance (through the REACH program) and much more.
A Servant’s Heart Ministry also partners with other Ministries and community resources to meet the needs of others in a variety of settings and situations. We believe the key factors to a successful team is striving to express God's Heart to all.
The services we provide supports our ministry, and allows us to meet the needs of others. We receive donations and accept recycling items to fund our community care program and our out reach program. It has been our experience that every situation is different and everyone's crisis is not the same, and by being able to be a hand-up and not just a hand-out can change the life of everyone. Please consider joining us in meeting the needs of our community by utilizing our services or donating towards our cause.
The blessing of serving the needs of those around us, gives A Servant’s Heart Ministry an opportunity to establish
long-lasting relationships with the communities we serve. (For more information see our about us page.)
How can we serve you?